IP Filippov S.D. Business Translation and Marketing Services in Belarus

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and marketing services in 5 minutes
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Samples of translation and design
Translation (1-50 pages, minimum $70)
Лучшая цена в Августе 2023
$ 0,05 - $ 0,21 / word
Multilingual Typesetting Word, InDesign

Лучшая цена в Августе 2023
$ 3 / page
Translation of your business and marketing documents into Russian and Belarusian languages from 100 languages. With over 25 years of experience in business, medical and technical translation, IP Filippov S.D. Business Translation Agency is one of the leading business agencies in Belarus. We translate business documents, support and market new businesses, help to register products and services in CIS countries, find customers and local distributors since 2001.

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  • 20+ years Expertise

    20+ years of experience in translation and marketing

  • 20+ years practice

    20+ years of practice in business documents, projects translation

  • Marketing +

    20 years of successful marketing for foreign brands and companies

  • distribution +

    20 years of fine products and medical devices distribution

IP Filippov S.D. Concierge Service
"Business Agency IP Filippov S.D." for 20 years of work with numerous international clients has developed its own, extremely useful corporate style of working with clients - 24-hour Business Concierge Service.
Concierge Service is located in Minsk, Belarus and works 24 hours a day for 27 countries. You can always send your inquiry by e-mail at any time of the day or night and promptly receive a reply in English, German, Russian, Belarusian and any other foreign language.
Leave your e-mail. We will contact you in 5 minutes.
We will answer all questions on the phone: +375292107277
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